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1. IN THE PAST: COMPUTERS have now become a paramount and integral part of any of the class room and library these days and there are almost 3 to 5 computer labs and rooms in every important institution, university, school and college these days but not so long ago when these invention were considerably new and expensive, a medium sized working body of a renowned college or university could only afford 2 or 3 of those electronic devices. There were both color and black & white television sets in few class rooms and even those were had to be shared. Teachers would play different types of documentaries about health, safety, first-aid lectures, sex education documentaries and other things that were recorded on VHS tapes and were played on VCR. Unlike these days, instead of solving a complex mathematical problem on a computer screen and then displaying it on a screen through a projector, the problems were solved on black boards with colorful chalks, these black boards were have to be made while taking the exposure of light and dimness of the room into consideration.

2. IN THE PRESENT: Now that the technology has become an integral part of our everyday life and we use internet and technology in almost every task of our life whether it’d be doing home work or making a list of groceries. Electronic texts books or more commonly known as E-books have now become the integral part of the class rooms these days. There are many benefits to using E-books in place of traditional ink and paper text books. These e-books can be opened with the help of any free, open source or premium license PDF reader, these software also contain many helping aids like magnifiers, voice-over technologies and highlighting a virtual phrase or passage from a virtual book. Another bigger benefit of using these eBooks is that the use of ink and paper has become lesser and lesser which helps in keeping the environment clean and protected. Another example of using technology in class is the use of multimedia projectors so the students are no longer obliged to narrow their vision to understand a specific character or line they feel confused about and then have to move closer to black board in front of a class. Instead they can view it at their ease on a thin screen of images and slides that are projected through a multimedia projector.

3. IN THE FUTURE: Even though, some of these things are just a concept for time being, there is a high possibility is that they will be available in near future, for now, social media is becoming more and more common these days, students make an online page and post about all of the class activity there. Interactive display boards are also a high possibility in earlier classes these years. Online grading system is also common and is now becoming more of a trend.

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